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August 6, 2023 Subject:
I see that this one also attracted a review for Charlie and the giant peach......but no harm done. Our previous reviewers have had caveats in their comments about the local inhabitants and their cheerless neighbourhood. The Paris locality where the movie was shot is MÉNILMONTANT, a “ hood “ that’s still less glam than the well known areas of GAY PARÉE. Perhaps the glum folk were still feeling sore over having had to play host to unwelcome guests between ‘39 and ‘45. a few years earlier. But the delightful little flick has 62 favourites, one being me. Won a few awards too, so it must have some merit.
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February 18, 2022 (edited)
My Balloon Buddy
I had completely forgotten just how hostile a society can be. Horrible children!
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September 10, 2020 Subject:
Makes me want stay away from Paris. Drab environment, mean boys with slingshots run the streets unchecked, and most of the adults don't seem to be very understanding. Then again maybe it's changed in the last 60 years, but probably for the worse, though...(Yes, I know that's not the purpose of the film.)
Reviewer:Noah Hopkins
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July 24, 2018 Subject:
Is this in the public domain or available for educators?
It's great to see this short film again. I remember my pre-school teacher showing it to us in 1987, and I begged my mother to find it at the library soon after. Now I teach high school and I use the film to introduce basic film-making techniques and strategies for my students.
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March 27, 2011 Subject:
A must have
I viewed this fantasy short back to the early '60s. It has stayed with me throughout my life. One of very few films that has this impact. Watch it once and it will stay with you as well. It is a masterpiece.